The Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ): Direct lending
The DBJ provides direct lending in limited cases – and only to large projects in both the public and private sectors in strategic areas.
The Bank’s preferred method for direct lending is through syndication or co-financing with AFIs, as well as foreign and local lending agencies and financiers. However, evaluations may be carried out, on a case-by-case basis, of requests for direct funding to viable development projects which demonstrate a net economic benefit to the country.
The Bank is currently targeting the Information and Communications Technology/Business Process Outsourcing (ICT/BPO) sector in an effort to stimulate economic growth and create jobs.
Direct lending will not be granted for the following purposes:
- Financing the acquisition of property (land or buildings) except in the case of existing ICT operations where the property will be significantly expanded as part of the project.
- Refinancing of existing debts.