DBJ Grants
We offer vouchers/grants to Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in the productive sectors can apply for vouchers in various denominations to be used to access capacity-building services from business development organisations (BDOs).
Voucher for Technical Assistance (VTA)
Objective: The Voucher for Technical Assistance was created to provide SMEs with access to specific business development services which will improve their management capacity as well as improve their ability to access credit from Approved Financial Institutions (AFIs).
Feature: DBJ covers 70% of the cost of specific services with vouchers ranging from $50,000-$500,000.
Visit www.dbjvoucher.com for more details.
Go-Digital Voucher
Objective: The purpose of the Go-Digital Voucher is to promote the use of technology among MSEs to transform their business electronically. The Go-Digital voucher does not affect the regular Voucher for Technical Assistance
Features: Vouchers will cover following services, but not limited to, electronic payroll system, HR applications, customer relations management software, electronic marketing including social media, website development, video conferencing and electronic records management, among other areas.
Innovation Grant from New Ideas to Entrepreneurship (IGNITE)
Objective: To foster entrepreneurship, innovation and support for the creation and growth of new firms among MSMEs, from start-up to growth stage within two years.
Features: The programme provides grant funds up to $4 million or 70% of the project cost.
DBJ Energy Audit Grant
Objective: Assist the MSME to make informed decisions about investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Features: MSMEs are offered an Energy Audit Grant of $200,000 to be conducted by a DBJ approved Energy Auditor. The grant may be used to support the MSME accessing a loan or implementing energy efficiency projects.
Capacity Development Grants/Call for Projects
Objective: Facilitates funding of capacity development projects for SME support, new sector and export development, institutional strengthening for MSME Intermediaries and recently Social Enterprises.
- Grants are awarded to public and private sector intermediaries in the MSME sector.
- Applicants are required to contribute 30% of the project cost with DBJ funding 70% up to a maximum of $7 million per project depending on the funding category and availability of funds.
Jamaica Foundation for Competitiveness and Growth project (FCGP) / Jamaica Business Development Fund (JBDF)
Objectives: To provide financial support to SMEs working with a lead (anchor) firm in a supply chain; to implement projects that will make the supply chains more competitive; and create an enabling business environment. Under the component for SME Supply-Chain Productivity Improvement, grant funds strengthen local supply chains for SME exporters, manufacturers and processors up to a maximum of US$350,000 per supply chain. Each supply chain member has the opportunity to access up to US$30,000 to implement high- return productivity led projects.
Features: The JBF enhances competition in the business environment, facilitates strategic private investments, and allows improvement in the productivity of the SME.